1. The name of the Society shall be Uttar Pradesh Diabets Association hereafter mentioned as “UPDA” for brevity.

  2. The Registered Office of the Society shall be situated at Endocrinology Department of Command Hospital, Lucknow Cantt, U.P. India.

  3. Area of operation shall be Uttar Pradesh and Uttaranchal.


    The Society has been formed with the following aims and objectives:

    4.1. To organize educational programmers for physicians of Uttar Pradesh and Uttaranchal and hold regional and state level meetings.

    4.2. To arrange conferences, seminars, clinical discourses, discussions, demonstrations, and workshops on diabetes mellitus.

    4.3. To encourage research in the field of diabetes in the state of Uttar Pradesh and Uttaranchal.

    4.4. To engage in public education and training with the objective of improving knowledge and awareness about diabetes.

    4.5. To publish, distribute or otherwise circulate records, transactions and proceedings of the various meetings and conferences of the UPDA.

    4.6. To organize educational and awareness programmes for paramedical personnel.

    4.7. To co-ordinate, as and when necessary and as considered fit, with other Societies and Organizations having similar and other allied objectives.

    4.8. To raise money and invest any sum belonging to the UPDA not immediately required, in such a manner as the UPDA may think fit.

    4.9. To erect, maintain, improve of alter and keep in repair any building occupied by UPDA.

    4.10. To honour/award the eminent personalities who have made significant contribution in the treatment, research, patient education or prevention in the field of diabetes.

    4.11. To do all such other things as are cognate to the objectives of the UPDA or are incidental or constructive to the attainment of the above objectives.



  1. The name of the Society shall be Uttar Pradesh Diabetes Association hereafter mentioned as “UPDA” fro brevity.

  2. The Registered Office of the Society shall be situated at Endocrinology Department of Command Hospital. Lucknow Cantt, U.P. India.

  3. Area of operation shall be Uttar Pradesh and Uttaranchal.

  4. Definitions and abbreviations

    Unless otherwise specified in succeeding paragraphs UPDA means Uttar Pradesh Diabetes Association, HQ means the Head Quarter of the Association at Lucknow, Journal means “Journal of Uttar Pradesh Diabetes Association (JUPDA), CME stands for Continuing Medical Education, Governing Body means the Governing Body of UPDA, General Body means General Body of UPDA, Scientific Committee means Scientific Committee of UPDA, Credential Committee means Credential Committee of UPDA, Organizing Secretary means Organizing Secretary of Annual Conference of UPDA, and “Office Bearer” means a person holding office of The President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Joint Secretary in the governing Body of the UPDA.

  5. Membership

    There shall be following classes of members:

    5.1 Honorary Member: Any person, even from outside Uttar Pradesh, who has significantly contributed to the cause of diabetes as teacher, physician, researcher or social worker can be enrolled as a honorary member. The name shall be duly proposed by one life member of UPDA and seconded by another life member of UPDA citing such individual’s achievements, which shall be scrutinized by Credential Committee and approved by the Governing Body and shall be later ratified by the General Body. They shall be exempted from paying any membership fee, but shall have no voting right. The total number of such members at any given time will be limited to not more than 2% of the total full membership of the UPDA

    5.2 Life Member: any person residing in Uttar Pradesh or Uttaranchal Pradesh of India is eligible to become Life Member of UPDA, who holds a MBBS degree from any institution or University recognized by the Medical Council of India. Membership fees shall be Rs 1000/- by a single payment. The Life members shall get information of all activities of UPDA and shall have full voting rights.

    Any Central Government Employee, who is serving in Uttar Pradesh can become member of UPDA. On transfer to other state he will retain lien to UPDA and shall receive all mail from UPDA and will be able to participate in annual conference as member and will retain right to vote, however he can not participate in election and can not propose or second any member for any post. In future if he is posted to or resides in, Uttar Pradesh or Uttaranchal again, his all rights with UPDA will be restored without any additional fee.

    5.3 Donor Member: Any person or Corporate group including a Pharmaceutical Company can be donor member. Donor membership fee shall be Rs. 100,000 payable once only. Donor members shall get information of all the activities of UPDA and shall get 50% rebate in all sponsorship and advertisements during all regional and annual conferences. They shall also be permitted to use the banner of UPDA when they organize any conference or academic activity in the state of Uttar Pradesh and Uttaranchal. However, they shall have no voting right.

    5.4 Corporate Member : Any person or Corporate group including a Pharmaceutical Company can be a corporate member. Corporate membership fee shall be Rs. 50,000, payable once only. The Corporate members shall get information of all activities of UPDA and shall get 25% rebate in all sponsorship and advertisements during all regional and annual conferences. They shall also be permitted to use the banner of UPDA when they organize any conference or academic activity in the state of Uttar Pradesh and Uttaranchal. However, they shall have no voting rights. Any corporate member who want to convert membership to Donor Member, may do so by paying the balance of Rs 50,000/-.

  6. Membership fees:

    6.1 Membership fee is to be decided by Governing Body from time to time, It is subject to approval by General Body subsequently. The subscription may be paid either in cash or through Cheque /Draft. Any change in the membership fees, duly approved by the General Body Meeting at the annual conference, shall become effective from the subsequent calendar year beginning on 1st January.

  7. Application for membership

    7.1 Eligible individual, as laid down in point 5.2 of the Rules and Regulations, desiring to enroll as member shall apply in a prescribed form as per Appendix ‘A’. All application for membership shall be initially scrutinized by Secretary and then placed before the Governing Body for approval. Membership commences when names are approved at a Governing Body meeting. Voting and other privileges of membership start after the names are approved by Governing Body.

  8. Privileges of members:

    Member of The UPDA shall have privileges to attend, take part in all general meetings, conferences, lectures, discussions, and demonstration. They will be eligible to receive copies of all proceedings and publication of UPDA, if any, and attend special activities at such terms, the Governing Body may fix from time to time.

  9. Cessation, Resignation, Termination, Transfer of membership:

    9.1 On death of a member.

    9.2 On becoming insolvent or an un discharged insolvent.

    9.3 On becoming lunatic.

    9.4 On or at any time having been convicted by a Court of Law for an offence involving moral turpitude.

    9.5 A member may at any time resign from his/her membership from the UPDA by giving one month notice in writing to the Secretary and paying all money due to her/him and after returning all the material belonging to the UPDA which may be in his/her possession.

    9.6 The Governing Body shall have the discretion to remove the name of nay member from the register for gross misconduct or behavior unbecoming of a member of the UPDA. Provided an opportunity has been given to such a member for proper hearing by the Governing Body. This will have to be brought to the notice and approval of the members at the subsequent General Body Meeting.

    9.7 Further any member who deprives the UPDA of its rightful money or any property belonging to UPDA, be penalized by having his/her name removed from the register, if so recommended by Governing Body and later approved by General Body at its meeting.

    9.8 In future if Uttaranchal forms its State Association of Diabetes which should be a registered Association, then membership will be transferred to Uttaranchal State Association of Diabetes. The request for transfer should come from individual member to Secretary. The money will be transferred without any interest with 20% deduction fro expenditure incurred on members by UPDA.

  10. Readmission of membership:

    Any person who has ceased to be a member under point no. 9.5 of the Rules and Regulation may become member again by paying all previous dues, if any and the application fee. Any person ceasing to be a member under point no. 9.6 and 9.7 of the Rules and Regulation shall not be readmitted except when 2/3rd of the members present at a general Body meeting record their votes in favor of readmission.

  11. Meeting:

    11.1 General Body Meeting:

    11.1.1 An Annual General Body Meeting (AGBM) shall be held every year during the Annual Conference. If no Annual Conference is held for any reason then the month of December for that year. The business to be transacted at the Annual General Body Meeting shall be:
    (i) To read and confirm the minutes of the last General Body Meeting.
    (ii) To receive, consider and adopt the Annual Report of the UPDA for the past year.
    (iii) To receive, consider and adopt the audited statement of account of the UPDA for the past year.
    (iv) To appoint an auditor and fix the remuneration
    (v) To consider any other business arising out of discussions of general Body Meeting.
    (vi) To consider any other matter with the consent of the President of the UPDA.

    11.1.2 Powers and functions of General Body:
    (i) To pass the provisional budget of the UPDA for the current year.
    (ii) To elect the office bearers of the Governing Body of the UPDA.
    (iii) To consider and adopt the amendment(s)made in the Rules and Regulation of the UPDA.
    (iv) To take action against the members engaged in activities prejudicial to the interests to the UPDA.
    (v) To consider any other business brought forward by and with the consent of the President of UPDA.

    11.2. Special General Body Meeting:
    A Special General body meeting may be called by the Secretary under following conditions:
    (i) When a requisition is made in writing by at least twenty members of the UPDA.
    (ii) When called for by the Governing Body.

    11.3. Notice of the General Body Meetings:
    Notice of all the General Body Meeting shall be dispatched not lass than three weeks before the date of the meeting. Notice shall include date, time of the meeting, and agenda of the meeting. In the case of Annual General Body Meeting, the notice shall also include minutes of last General Body Meeting, Secretary’s annual report, Treasurer’s report (including statement of accounts, Auditor’s report, budget estimate for the ensuing year) and account of past Annual Conference.

    11.4. Quorum for General Body Meetings:
    Thirty members or 10% of total members of the UPDA shall form the quorum for a General Body Meeting. If at the time appointed for the general body meeting, there is no quorum, the meeting shall stand adjourned. At least twenty members or 5% of total members of the UPDA shall be necessary for an adjourned meeting. The quorum for a special General Body meeting, a notice of which with agenda shall have been posted at least 3 weeks before the meeting, shall be fifty members; if there is no quorum for the said special meeting, the meeting shall be cancelled (i.e., no adjourned Special General Body Meeting can be held)

  12. Office bearers and Governing Body:

    12.1 The Governing Body shall consist of following members:





    Vice President









    Joint Secretary (One elected, one nominated by President



    All past President of UPDA


    Nominated or Co-opted members


    (Shall be nominated by the Governing Body, primarily to include members from areas not elected to the Governing Body. Maximum number of co- opted members shall not exceed 5. They shall have no voting right in the Governing Body meetings.)


    Organising Secretary of the preceding Annual conference



    Organising Secretary of the forthcoming Annual conference



    Editor of the journal of the UPDA if any



    Elected Members


    (Only life members are eligible for election. All members elected under (k) shall be elected for a term of two years. No such members shall be eligible for election to the Governing Body continuously for more than 2 terms.)

  13. Eligibility, tenure and duties of office bearers:

    13.1 President : The President shall be elected from against the members and should have s standing of a least 2 years in the UPDA, have at least a postgraduate degree in Medicine (MD or equivalent degree recongnized by Medical Council of India) and should have previously served at least one year on the Governing Body. He/she shall hold office for a term of two year. No person shall be eligible to be elected as President for more than one term: if there is no nomination in a particular year, the Governing Body may consider re nomination of the present President, for one more year or till the next General election, whichever is earlier, but he/she will not contest for any position in the Executive Committee subsequently. President shall be the chief executive of the UPDA. The President shall preside over all the meetings and shall regulate the proceedings of the meeting.

    13.1.1 He/she will appoint the chairman of various administrative and activity committees. He/she shall ensure that regular elections are held for the Governing Body in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the UPDA. He/she shall perform such other acts as may be delegated by the Governing body or considered necessary in the interest of the UPDA.

    13.1.2. The President shall have besides his/her ordinary vote, a casting vote in case of equality of votes amongst members. In his/her absence one of the Vice President, who is senor by age, shall officiate for hem/her, failing whom a member elected at the meeting shall perform his/her duties as interim President.

    13.2. Vice-President: Two Vice-President shall be elected biannually from amongst the members and should have a standing of at least 2 years in the UPDA, have at least a postgraduate degree in Medicine (MD or equivalent degree recognized by Medial Council of India) and should have previously served at least one year on the Governing Body. They shall hold office for a term of two year shall not be eligible for re-election to the same office for more than one term. In the absence of the President, Vice-President (who is senior by age) shall perform the duties of the President. He/ She shall, under the instructions of the President, in performance of his/her rights and duties.

    13.3 Secretary : The Secretary shall be elected biannually from amongst the members and should have a standing of at least 2 years in the UPDA, have at least a postgraduate degree in Medicine (MD or equivalent degree recognized by Medical Council of India) and should have previously served at least one tenure in the Governing Body. The Secretary shall hold office for one term of two years and can seek re-election (but for not more than two consecutive terms). If there is no nomination in a particular year, the Governing Body may consider re- nomination of the present Secretary, for one more year or till the next General election, whichever is earlier. Subject to the control and regulation of the Governing Body, the Secretary shall be responsible for carrying out the directions and decisions of the UPDA as laid down in the Constitution. The Secretary shall carry out following functions in consultation with President/Governing body of UPDA.
    (i) convene meetings of the Governing Body and General Body on the directions of the President.
    (ii) have administrative control over the affairs of the UPDA
    (iii) have charge of the correspondence in relation to the UPDA
    (iv) sign agreements. Bonds, deeds and all other legal documents on behalf of Governing Body and represent the UPDA in all legal matters.
    (V) authorize payments and incur expenditures on items approved in the budget.
    (vi) represent the UPDA and make decisions on his/her behalf.
    (vii) execute and determine the programmers , activities and functions of the UPDA and to carry out the same in the interests of the UPDA.
    (viii) create or abolish posts, to make or approve appointment of the officers and employees.
    (ix) lay down the Rules and Regulation, the service conditions, pay scale end rules governing all categories of employees including officers officers.
    (x) enter into agreements, financial, commercial or otherwise of all descriptions and of all kinds provided they are in accordance with the objective of the UPDA.
    (xi) spend money, as per sanction, for promoting objective of the UPDA. (xii) operate Bank Accounts and to delegate authority to such person/persons for operating Bank Accounts as per the requirements.
    (xiii) borrow and raise loans from Banks and other Institutions for the benefit and in the interest of the UPDA.
    (xiv) keep all the records of the UPDA including the minutes of the meetings of the Governing Body, Annual General Meetings and special meetings and to prepare annual reports of the UPDA.
    (xv) make budget and to submit the same to President to be presented before the UPDA.
    (xvi) be in-charges of all documents and property and other assets of the UPDA
    (xvii) maintain a register of the various categories of membership. For the purpose of the UPDA the address mentioned in the register will be considered the valid one. Any change in address must be intimated to the Secretary and confirmation received from the Secretary that the necessary change in the register has been effected.
    (xviii) perform all such duties as are incidental to that office and to perform such other acts as may be considered necessary in the interest of the UPDA.
    (xix) Apply for the registration of the UPDA and income-tax exemption and to do any other legal formalities.

    13.4 Joint Secretary: One Joint Secretary shall be elected for a period of two-year and shall be eligible for re-election (but no more than two consecutive terms.) Such individuals should have a standing of at least 2 years in the UPDA. In addition, the President shall nominate a second Joint Secretary to help him/her n his/her work for a period of two year. They shall:
    (i) Assist the Secretary in due discharge of his/her functions and duties.
    (ii) Perform the duties of the Secretary and shall have the same authority as the Secretary of the UPDA, in the absence of the regular Secretary, except the financial powers.

    13.5 Treasurer: The Treasurer shall be elected for a term of two years. He/she should have served earlier for at least one tenure in the Governing Body. The Treasurer shall hold office for one term of two years and can seek re-election (but for not more than two consecutive terms, if there is no nomination in a particular year, the Governing Body may consider re-nomination of the present Treasurer, for one more year or till the next General election, whichever is earlier. He/she shal maintain account of all receipt and payment and prepare a statement of income and expenditure as well as the balance sheet on 31st March every year, which sall be submitted to an Auditor duly appointed by the Governing Body for their report. Subsequently, the audited accounts shall be presented along with the budget estimate prepared by the Treasurer in consultation with the Secretary at a Governing Body meeting and then at the Annual general Body Meeting.
    The treasurer shall also perform the following functions:-
    (i) Make disbursements within the limits of the annual budget and maintain vouchers and records of all such disbursements. In exceptional circumstances, the budget may be exceeded only with the concurrence of President or Secretary and by prior sanction of the Governing Body.
    (ii)To notify and change of of office-beareres to the banks.

    13.6 Operation of Bank Account : The bank account should be opened at a place from where Secretary belongs. The treasurer/Secretary shall receive all money relating to the UPDA and deposit them in the bank accounting the name of the UPDA approved by the Governing Body. All payments shall ordinarily be made by cheques signed by two of the three office bearers i.e. President, Treasurer and Secretary. If two stated office bearer do not belong to same place then the President can nominate any one member of the Governing Body, as one of the authorized person, to operate the account jointly with him/her, Secretary or Treasurer. Treasurer should be informed about all transactions quarterly.

  14. Governing Body Meetings:

    14.1 The Governing Body shall ordinarily meet at least 3 times in a year. Ordinarily, the Secretary shall call the meetings of the Governing Body. The President whenever he/she thinks necessary may call a special meeting of the Governing Body. The Secretary shall on receiving a requisition signed by four or more members of the committee call a special meeting of the Governing Body.

    14.2 The notice of a meeting of the Governing Body shall be dispatched to each member of the Governing Body at least 2 weeks before the meeting. Emergent meeting may be called by the Secretary on a clear 7 days notice.

    14.3 Circular Meeting may be called in emergency, when members are not available physically. At least 50% members should reply and more than 50% should be favoring the agenda of the Circular sent. President shall have his/her additional casting vote if any item of the agenda of the circular in not resolved by a majority vote.

    14.4 Secretary’s annual report, treasurer’s annual report (statement of account of the UPDA) and estimate for the Current year, Editor’s annual report, annual account and estimate for current year, account of the last annual conference shall be placed each year before the Governing Body.

    14.5 All outstation members will be reimbursed 2nd AC train fare or actual expenditure whichever is less on production of relevant proof form the place of residence as per UPDA records to attend GBM not more than three times a year, If there is no sponsorship from any source.

  15. Powers and functions of Governing Body:

    The powers and functions of Governing Body shall be:

    15.1 Governing Body shall direct and regulate the general affairs of the UPDA and shall, subject to confirmation at a General Body Meeting, have powers to frame rules and regulations for the conduct of business at meeting and conferences of the UPDA.

    15.2 The Governing Body shall have the power to form Council/Sub-committees as and when necessary.

    15.3 The Governing Body shall ordinarily function for two year or until the new Governing Body takes over.

    15.4 The Governing Body shall meet at such times as may be necessary for transacting the business of the UPDA. At least one meeting of the Governing Body will be held at the time of the annual conference before the Annual General Meeting. Another meeting of the Governing Body must be held prior to the end of the calendar year. The notice of a meeting of the Governing Body shall be dispatched to each member of the Governing Body at least two weeks before the meeting.

    15.5 The Governing Body shall decide on the nominations to the Scientific Council and to other committees and subcommittees of the UPDA.

    15.6 Special Meeting: The Secretary shall call a special meeting of the Governing Body if such a meeting is requested in writing by not less than three elected members of the Governing Body. The notice of such a meeting must be posted at lest two weeks prior to the meeting stating the reasons for the requisitioned meeting and also stating the names of the members who have requisitioned the meeting.

    15.7 Quorum for the Governing Body: Quorum for the Governing Body meeting shall be seven elected members of the Governing Body. If the quorum is not available, an adjourned meeting of the Governing Body can be held if at least 5 elected members are present. If the Governing Body meeting is called on requisition of members under clause 15.6, and if there is no quorum (seven elected members) within 15 minutes at the time when the meeting is called, the Special Governing Body meeting so called shall stand dissolved.

    15.8 In the absence of the President or a Vice-President, the members present at the Governing Body may select one of the elected member to act as preterm President for the meeting.

    15.9 The Governing Body shall direct the Secretary to carry out the general affairs of the UPDA.

    15.10 The Governing Body may appoint and dismiss such staff as may be found necessary to mange the work efficiently.

    15.11 To consider and approve the Annual Budget.

    15.12 To amend, modify or re-appropriate the budget wherever and whenever it so decides.

    15.13 To appoint Auditor of the UPDA and submit the Audited Statement of Accounts to the members.

    15.14 To acquire, build, purchase, to hold on lease under license any property or to sell, mortgage, let, hypothecate, donate any property of the UPDA and to take such other steps as may be deemed necessary be the Governing Body in managing the finance, properties, assets, liabilities of the UPDA as per Section 5a of the Societies Registration Act.

    15.15 To accept gifts, donations, grants-in-aid, bequest, contributions, subscriptions in any form and to take such other steps as may be considered by the Governing Body to be in the interest of the UPDA.

    15.16 To deposit the funds of the UPDA in a nationalized band and/or a Bank recognized by Reserve Bank of India/Govt of India or in a Post Office and deal with funds in the interest and objects of the UPDA.

    15.17 To do such other acts as may be considered necessary by them in the interest of UPDA.

  16. Election of Office-bearers and Governing Body member:

    16.1 The Governing Body shall appoint a returning officer during the regular meeting of March each year, who shall not be contesting for any post in the election. Notice for election to the posts falling vacant, with nomination forms, shall be posted by the Secretary to every voting member by 31st of March (or next postal working day) of the year. Nominations duly proposed and seconded with the acceptance of the candidate with short bio-dada (not more then 200 words) should reach the Secretary by 30TH April (or next postal working days) of the year. For every post, the nomination paper be accompanied by a sum of Rs 500/- (Five hundred only-non refundable) from a candidate in the from of a demand draft/pay order payable in favour of UPDA. Before the finalization of voting paper, the Secretary shall notify a date for withdrawal of name or names in case of any contest for the particular post of an office-bearer and circulate this list only to the contesting members. Intimation of with drawl. If any shallbe received by 31st of May or an next postal working day. When elections are necessitated, the ballot paper signed by returning officer with a short bio-data of the candidates and appropriate direction shall be posted to all life members by the 15th June (or next postal working days). The format of the ballot papers shall be same as that of Association of Physicians of India elections.

    16.2 The name and city of members who are standing for election, as office-bearer shall be entered in the alphabetical order of their surnames, in the voting paper.

    16.3 Voting paper shall be posted to all eligible members at least 30 days before the date set for return of the ballot papers. Duplicate ballot paper marked “Duplicate” may be issued by the Secretary to a member on his/her requisition in writing in case of loss, non receipt or spoiling of the original voting paper. An account of all voting paper printed and issued (duplicate or otherwise) and those in hand shall be kept by the Secretary and given to returning officer at the time of scrutiny. The election to the Governing Body and all office bearers shall be done at the same time.

    16.4 Voting paper duly filled in and addressed to the Secretary shall be returned in the printed envelope accompanying it by the members by post or by courier individually and shall be kept in the ballot box which has been previously sealed. The last date of receiving the completed ballot paper shall be 31st of July (or next postal working day). Counting of ballot paper shall be done by the returning officer on the following Sunday. The result shall be announced in the next Governing Body meeting. The elected Officers shall be installed at the Annual General Body meeting of the UPDA.

    16.5 The returning officer shall on the specified date, as stated above, shall scrutinize and count the votes received by each candidate the returning officer shall separate the quter envelop from the inner envelop with the actual voting paper. The inner envelopes with the actual voting paper shall be mixed before being finally opened to ensure secrecy of the ballot. The returning officer shall then count the votes and submit the results there of along withal the voting paper in a sealed cover before the President at the next Governing Body meeting and this will be latter presented at the Annual General Meeting. The candidate or their agents may be present during the counting of votes. A list of votes shall be kept from the outer envelope. And this shall be available at the time of Annual General Body Meeting.

    16.6 In the event of an equality of votes or non-filling of the posts of the office bearers or members of the Governing Body, the matter shall be decided by ballot at the Annual General Meeting.

    16.7 If a candidates gets elected to two position, he/she shall vacate one position of his/her choice and the vacancy shall be filled by the candidates who polled the next higher votes in the same category.

    16.8 The reports of the returning officer on the result of voting shall be maintained in the office for reference until the next election.

    16.9 The Governing Body shall have the power to fill vacancies occurring during the year for the rest of the period.

    16.10 Election dispute, it any, is to be decided by President, and two of the Immediate past President.

    16.11 No members shall canvass in writing or otherwise for their elections.

  17. Filling of Casual Vacancy:

    If the office any office bearer appointed by UPDA in general meetings(s) is vacated before his/her term of office would have expired in normal course, the resulting casual vacancy may be filled up by the Governing Body in its meeting by simple majority from among the elected members capable thereof. Any person so appointed shall hold office only up to the date which the office bearer in whose place hi/she is appointed would have held office if it had not been vacated as aforesaid.

  18. Credential Committee:

    18.1 The Credential Committee will consist of 3 members and will be elected from amongst its members, by the members of Governing Body. One of them shall be designated as Chairperson of the Credential Committee. Secretary shall be ex officio convener of the committee. The tenure of Credential Committee will be two years. No person shall be appointed to the Credential Committee for more than two terms.

    18.2 Credential Committee shall scrutinize all the applications for members, the award of fellowship, and awards of medal, prizes, oration etc if instituted at later date. The Chairperson of the Credential Committee shall send in writing or present his recommendations at the next Governing Body meeting, which shall be discussed by the Governing Body and the recommendations shall be accepted or rejected giving reasons. The Secretary of UPDA shall then communicate the decision of the Fellowship, medal, prizes, oration and awards to the applicants and those who are approved fro the fellowship shall be asked to be present at the venue of the next Annual Conference where they shall be awarded the fellowship at the Convocation of the UPDA.

  19. Conferences and other CME programmes:
  20. Order of precedence, and protocol

    20.1 The order of precedence shall be as under

    1. President

    2. Immediate Past President

    3. Vice Presidents

    4. Treasurer

    5. Joint Secretaries

    6. Joint Secretaries

    7. Elected Members of Governing Body

    8. Editor of the Journal

    9. Organising Secretary

    10. Co-opted members

    20.2 The convocation shall be held during the Annual Conference as follows:

    20.2.1. The Convocation procession, dully robed in an adjoining chamber, shall consist of the following order.
    (a) First row Organising Secretary &Chairman Organising Committee(blue robe).
    (b) Second row Secretary UPDa (Red robe with embroidery).
    (c) Third Row President UPDA & Chief Guest (if any) (Crimson robes with heavy embroidery).
    (d) Fourth Row Past Presidents if present (Red robe with embroidery).
    (e) Fifth Row All Fellows of UPDA if present with medallions (Red robes).
    (f) The recipients of the Awards (Red robes) shall be seated in the front row of the hall. They shall be seated before the entry of the Convocation Procession.

    20.2.2. The Master of Ceremonies of the Conference shall announce the arrival of the Convocation Procession and shall ask everyone to stand and switch off his/her cell phones.

    20.2.3. The Convocation procession shall enter in the order as defined above. The President, Secretary of UPDA and Chief Guest shall ascend to the dais. Rest of the procession shall be seated in the front row.

    20.2.4. The President UPDA shall declare the Convocation open.

    20.2.5. The President UPDA shall ask the Secretary to present the candidates.

    20.2.6. The Secretary UPDA shall call the candidates, one at a time.

    20.2.7. The Organising Secretary shall escort the candidate to the dais and then retire.

    20.2.8. The Secretary UPDA shall read out the citation of the candidate.

    20.2.9. The President UPDA shall invest the Fellow with the Fellowship medal and say the following: I virtue of being the President of Uttar Pradesh Diabetes Association and based on your work and on the recommendations of the Credential Committee, have much pleasure in investing you with this medallion of Academic/Social service (as applicable) Fellowship of Uttar Pradesh Diabetes Association. I further charge you to uphold the ideals of this award and further pursue the goals of Uttar Pradesh Diabetes Association relentlessly and prove worthy of the same.

    20.2.10. The Chief Guest shall preset the Certificate of Fellowship and a floral bouquet.

    20.2.11. The candidate shall be escorted by the Organising Secretary and shall be seated on the front row.

    20.2.12. The President UPDA shall ask the Chief Guest to address the Convocation.

    20.2.13. The Chief Guest shall give a brief address.

    20.2.14. The President UPDA shall declare the Convocation closed.

    20.2.15. The Convocation Procession shall then then retire in the same order as they entered. The newly invested Fellows shall join the procession in the last row.

  21. Publications and Editors:

    21.1 The UPDA may publish journals, books, pamphlets or any other publication under the general direction of Governing Body. The journal shall be managed by an editorial board consisting of an Editor, Associate Editors, Assistant Editors, a Secretary and members, who shall hold office for a period of three years and shall be nominated by Governing Body with the concurrence of the Editors.

    21.2 The Editor’s post shall be filled by inviting nomination from amongst members of the UPDA, but selection will be made by Governing Body and finally approved by General Body. Editor should have a postgraduate degree in Medicine recognized by the Medical Council of India and should have five years research experience in the field of diabetes as assessed by his/her publication and/r guidance to research candidates.

    21.3 UPDA shall prepare a directory of members with their addresses. It shall be sent to all members of UPDA. Additional copy of directory can be purchased by the members for Rs. 50.00 and by Pharmaceutical companies for Rs. 500.00 . The Governing Body in empowered to revise the prices as and when required.

  22. Formation of District branch:

    22.1Formation of district branches of UPDA may be done as follows
    (i) A branch can be formed with a minimum of 7 members comprising of Chairman, Secretary, Treasure and four other members.
    (ii) All members of a district branch of UPDA should be life members of the UPDA.
    (iii) They should inform the UPDA about their scientific and other activities and these may be included in annual report of the UPDA. (iv) The District branches of UPDA shall abide by the objects, rules and regulations of UPDA and can not have separate objects, rules and regulations.

  23. Awards:

    The UPDA shall bestow following awards and prizes to suitable candidates the lie members of UPDA.

    23.1 Life Time Dedication Award: This award shall be given to a life member of UPDA who has made outstanding contribution in the treatment, research, patient education or prevention in the field of diabetes. The person should be more than 60 years of age and should have been dully proposed by a life member and seconded by another life member, citing the candidate’s achievements and full bio data in 4 copies. Not more than one such award shall be given in a year.

    23.2 Fellow of UPDA (FUDA) : This award shall be given to a life member who has been member of UPDA for more than five years (applicable with effect from the year 2008) on the following basis:-

    (a) Academic: This award shall be given to a life member of UPDA based on his academic achievements related to treatment, research, patient education or prevention in the field of diabetes. The person should be more than 45 years of age. The person should have been duly proposed by a life member and seconded by another life member, citing the candidate’s achievements and full bio data in 4 copies as per pro forma which can be obtained from Secretary, appendix B along with three Photostat copies of three original papers. Not more than three such awards shall be given inn a year.

    (b) Social Service: This award shall be given to a life member of UPDA based on social service to the community related to treatment, patient education or prevention in the field of diabetes and organization of diabetes camp, lectures, updates and annual conference of UPDA. He should be more than 40 year of age. The person should have been duly proposed by a life member and seconded by another life member, citing the candidate’s achievements and services in the field of diabetes and full bio data in 4 copes as per pro forma which can be obtained from secretary, Appendix B along with proof of social services. Candidate shall also provide name, address, and telephone numbers of two local referees and two referees outside his city of residence. The Credential Committee will have the right to verify his achievements form these referees and independent sources while taking into consideration for the award of fellowship of UPDA. Not more than two such awards shall be given in a year. Fellowship shall be awarded during special convocation held during annual conference of UPDA. The citation of fellowship shall be read out by the Secretary/Joint Secretary or any person nominated by the President of UPDA and shall be awarded by the President. Both fellowships will consist of a similar certificate and a medal.

    (c) The Award of Fellowship: The awards under the above category shall be awarded in a Convocation to be held during the next Annual Conference of UPDA. The recipients of the awards are expected to be present personally to receive the same, unless some unavoidable circumstances prevents the recipient to be present personally, which he/she shall intimate to the Secretary in writing. Such communication shall be discussed in the Governing Body meeting and if the Governing Body is convinced of the circumstances of non-attendance, the award shall be given in absentia. If the Governing Body, by a majority of vote, fails to approve the ground of the candidate’s absence, the Award shall be treated as cancelled.

    23.3 Best Research Award: The award shall be given for the best research work published within the last three years in an indexed journal. Any member of the UPDA can send his/her bio-data and 4 copies of the paper for the consideration of this award. There shall ordinarily be only one such award every year as decided by Credential Committee. No person shall get this award for more than two years.

    23.4 Best Paper/Poster Award: The award for the best paper presentation and best poster presentation during Annual Conference may given as decided by Governing Body and Scientific Committee.

    23.5 All proposals for various awards should be sent to the Secretary, latest by 31st January of the year. Pro form, available with the Secretary, duly filled along with all relevant documents as stated is to be sent to the Secretary. The presentation of the awards, if any, shall be made during the annual conference.

    23.6 If any permanent sponsor is found for these awards, sponsors name can be included in the award after due clearance from the Governing Body.

    23.7 These awards, after due proposals, shall be scrutinized by the credential Committee. If no suitable candidate is available, the prize shall stand cancelled for that year. The Secretary shall forward the copies of proposals to the Credential Committee for scrutiny and shall retian one copy for his/her record.

    23.8 Orations:

    23.8.1 Name: “Prof Sircar-USV Oration”

    Eligibility: This oration will be given to a person of repute with original research experience in the field of diabetes.

    Selection: Any member of UPDA can propose a person’s name of National and International repute for oration with bio data of individual as per pro forma attached with constitution of UPDA by 31st January of the year. This will be submitted to the Credential Committee of UPDA and the First President of UPDA for consideration. If no name is proposed by any member, Credential Committee of UPDA can take suo moto decision for any name they consider fit for oration.

    Award : Award will consist of a medal and certificate, which will be sponsored by the First President of UPDA Dr AR Sircar every year. USV has agreed to bear traveling and staying expenses of orator every year. This oration will be awarded to the selected person once only. Orator will deliver oration based on his research work during annual conference of UPDA every year.

    23.9 Award for enrolling maximum new members in a year: An award will be given to a member of UPDA who enrolls maximum number of members of the UPDA in the year (from one Annual Conference to next Annual Conference). This award will be approved by Governing Body and presented at the inaugural function of Annual Conference of UPDA.

  24. Procedure To Amend Rules And Regulations of The UPDA:

    24.1 The Constitution and Rules and Regulations can be amended if so desired and the procedure shall be as follows:
    Proposal of any amendment must be sent to the Secretary of the UPDA. If approved by Governing Body either in its meeting or by circulation proposal for amendment will be circulated and dispatched to all the members at least three weeks before the Annual General Body Meeting. The motion shall have to be approved and passed by at least 2/3rd of the members that are present at the regular General Body meeting, and which is not an adjourned meeting. If approved, changes in Rules and Regulations shall become effective from 1st January of the ensuing year.

  25. Funds of the UPDA:

    25.1. The funds of the UPDA shall consist of :

    1. Membership fees

    2. Contributions, donations, grants and subsidies from any source

    3. Investments and interest thereon

    4. Cash and bank balances in SB a/c and/or Term deposits

    5. Gifts and legacies of immovable or movable property

    6. Endowments.

    25.2 All money received from membership fees (admission and life membership fees) donations, gifts, legacies, proceeds from conferences, or any other source shall be invested in endowment funds which shall constitute the corpus of the UPDA.

    25.3. UPDA’s account shall be opened in any Nationalized Bank and/or Bank recognized by Reserve Bank of India/Govt. of India or in Post Office at a place from where Secretary belongs.

    25.4. The funds of the UPDA shall be deposited in such Bank(s)/post Office. The accounts shall be operated upon as per para 13.6.

    25.5. Surplus fund can be invested in any modality with best possible income as approved by the Governing Body.

  26. Accounts:

    26.1 The UPDA shall maintain proper and regular Books of Accounts of the receipts and payments, income and expenditure, assets and liabilities.

    26.2 The following Books/Registers shall be maintained:

    (i) Membership Register

    (ii) Minutes Book of Governing Body Meetings and AGBM.

    (iii) Cash Book and Ledger.

    (iv) Fixed Asset Register

    (v) Stock Book and other subsidiary records

  27. Website

    27.1 The UPDA website when created shall be managed by a specifically designated Webmaster appointed by the Governing Body. The Webmaster shall be a life member with special interest in computers who shall be in charge of collecting, uploading and deleting items as and when necessary.

    27.2the Governing Body would provide guideline for functioning and approve expenditure for creation and maintenance. The appointment will be for a period of three years.

  28. Suits By/Against The UPDA:

    29.1 The UPDA shall be dissolved as per the provisions laid down under Section 13 &14 of the Societies Registration act 1860.

    29.1.1. If for any reasons the activities of the UPDA come to a stand still or to be wound up then the Governing Body shall unanimously recommend to the general body which shall take a final decision in this respect by passing the resolution in a specially summoned meeting after due notice of 30 days by a majority of ¾ the members.

    29.1.2. On the dissolution of the UPDA all the loans and debts shall be satisfied first and if any movable or immovable assets still remains, free from any encumbrances as agreed upon between UPDA and donors, the same shall not be distributed or given or paid to any member or office bearers of the UPDA. It shall be handed over/transferred to other UPDA having similar objects with the permission from Appropriate Authority by passing a resolution in general body by ¾ members present or in absence there of by court of law exercising jurisdiction upon the registered office of the UPDA.

  29. Societies Registration Act To apply:

    All provisions of the Registration of Societies Act 1860, as amended from time to time shall apply to the UPDA.