Physicians and medical specialists from UP for a long have been planning to form an association of physicians interested in the care of diabetes with the aim to provide specialized care to diabetic population.

The first meeting in this regard took place in the month of July 2002 at Varanasi and following were the participants : Dr JK Agrawal (Ex. Prof., Deptt of Endocrinology and Metabolism, IMS, BHU, Varanasi), Dr. KG Rajendran (Vive0President, Endocrine society of India and corporate representative USV Ltd Mubai). It was decided to form a forum of physicians with an interest on diabetes care and name it as UP Diabetes Federation (UPDF). The goals of the UPDF were then defined as follows:

  1. Development of relationship between its members for sharing their experience through annual meeting.
  2. Education Program and Training for physicians and para-medical personnel.
  3. Organization of CME for its members
  4. Organization of Camps, Screening Program and health Education Program For the population.

It was resolved that the first meeting of this Association be organized in Varanasi. Dr. S.K. Singh (Reader and Head) requested USV Ltd to sponsor the meeting which was readily accepted by them. The first Conference of UPDF was organized on October 17-18 at Hotel Taj Ganges, Varanasi by Dr. J.K. Agrawal as Chairman and Dr S.K. Singh as Organizing Secretary. The Conference was a grand success with 400 participants from all over UP.

During the Conference a core group meeting was held attended by following members:

  1. Dr. A.R. Sircar
  2. Dr. J.K. Agrawal
  3. Dr. S.K. Singh
  4. Dr. Madhukar Rai
  5. Dr. Sarita Bajaj
  1. Dr. S.J. singh
  2. Dr. N.L. Agrawal
  3. Dr. A.K. Gupta
  4. Lt. Col. MK. Garg
  5. Dr. K Tripathi
  1. Dr. Jamal Ahmad
  2. Dr. Jitendra Jauhari
  3. Dr. U.C. Goel
  4. Dr. S.K. Malik

The core group took decision to select interim office bearer of the UPDF and resolved that the Office bearers will proceed with their responsibility to register their Society, enroll members and f\draft its constitution.

This was the beginning of the Society later named as Uttar Pradesh Diabetes Association (UPDA) Following its registration in Lucknow. The initial constitution has been drafted by Dr. J.K. Agrawal, Varanasi, Dr. A.R. Sircar, Lucknow, Lt Col. M.K. Garg, Lucknow and Dr. Sarita Bajaj, Allahabad.